Cultivare's new labels are a collective homage to nature and culture

Cultivare is a wine that expresses itself through art. With each new vintage, we celebrate nature and culture, from which we drink, nurture and are inspired to make the most special and award-winning Vallformosa wine.
After a year of reclusion, in which culture has been silenced and we have distanced ourselves from nature, we could only pay tribute to the great emptiness caused in our lives by this pause, this silence. That is why, for the elaboration of the new Cultivare labels, we have created art without ink, working with the element that best represents emptiness: a hole.
Holes that we have filled collectively, uniting us in the distance to connect with the whole world. More than 5000 people from all corners of the planet have participated in the creation of the new Cultivare labels, responding to a survey that we launched digitally.
From the answers obtained, an algorithm created a pattern that became the design of each label and a music box was built to read the pattern, translating each note into a chord and turning all the answers into a melody.
The project of the new Cultivare labels is, therefore, a collaborative project, a sum of voices that connect and interweave to tell a story, the story of a wine that is art, is life, is nature, is culture and is you. Don't run out of your bottles!